Web sites


TheCeevee, freelancer (Nov 2017- today)

  • Job board web site written in  ASP.NET MVC.
  • Applying latest coding patterns: SOLID, Factory, Dependency Injection.

Tech stack: ASP.NET MVC, SQL, Javascipt. Bootstrap, CSS
www: theceevee.com

ZynBit, freelancer (Jan 2017- Sep 2017)

  • Working on highly complex ASP.NET MVC enterprise app.
  • Integration with providers: Salesforce, Gmail, Office365 API.
  • Applying latest coding patterns: SOLID, Factory, Dependency Injection.

Tech stack: ASP.NET MVC, SQL, Javascipt. Bootstrap, CSS
www: app.zynbit.com

Investimonials.com   (Jan 2015 - Oct 2016)

Largest project I have done so far. Was independent developer fully in charge of development process.
  • Migrating web app to new hosting
  • Complete website redesigning
  • Implementing Facebook integration.
  • Implementing new features.
Tech stack: ASP.NET, MSSQL, HTML, Javascipt. Bootstrap, CSS
www: investimonials.com

MyDrone - NodeJS web app (Jan 2015)

NodeJS is very modern Javascript framework that makes
building web  applications easy and fast. In this example we are using another technology which is the AR.Drone Parrot - drone aircraft which is controlled by this web app.

Technologies used: NodeJS, MongoDB, AR.Drone API, Heroku hosting.
www: mydrone.herokuapp.com Source code is on the GitHub.

Naturela - PrestaShop web app (Jan 2014)

This is an excellent example of one of the off the shelf tools to create a unique web shop. It is PrestaShop: ecommerce software that enables you to create your own Online Store in very easy way.
It includes items listing, cataloguing, payments and much more.

www: naturela.com.ba

Medipoint - ASP.NET web site (Sep 2012 – Jan 2013)

One of the projects I was working on lately was Dutch web site, made entirely in ASP.NET and EPiServer CMS.You can check it out here:
www: www.medipoint.nl

Bestbonusmoney.com - joomla web site (Feb 2005-Mar 2012)

Affiliate marketing site made in Joomla. Many techniques and tools were used to develop this site, like PHP, MySQL and SEO marketing. Beside development working on this site gained me huge experience in working with affiliate companies around the world.
www: bestbonusmoney.com (offline)


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