Mobile apps
People Power - Voting Platform
PeoplePower, the cutting-edge platform that brings the transformative potential of Liquid Democracy to your fingertips. We invite you to explore a new form of democratic engagement, where every voice counts and every vote matters. This is FREE platform with plans to become open source.
Tech stack: Ionic/Angular with Firebase backend
Real World (Dec 2019)
Fully functional social network with special features:

Magic app features:
This example demonstrates consuming NodeJS REST with Android/Java client application
Fully functional social network with special features:
- News feed, friend request, chat and profile page
- and many more.
Magic app (Dec 2019)

Magic app features:
- OCR your text articles and perform sentiment analysis ;-)
- identify objects in the picture and pronounce them aloud
- identify landmarks around you.
Android Java + NodeJS demo app (Aug 2016)

- User login, profile picture upload, Gravatar support.
- Retrofit 2 library for easy connect
- NodeJS backed REST service
- Technologies: Android Studio, Java , NodeJS, Express 4, Git etc.
Knotable, Java (Sep 2014 - Dec 2014)
Knotable allows teams to communicate and collaborate intuitively wherever they are.
Knotableis startup company co-founded by Amol Sarva. Been member of a team of 15 developers.
Knotableis startup company co-founded by Amol Sarva. Been member of a team of 15 developers.
MADE food, Java (Oct 2014 - May 2015)
MADE is an on-demand food platform for handmade, chef-inspired meals—delivered to you in as little as 20 minutes.
PhoneX, Basic4Android (Mar 2014)
Silently monitor all inbound and outbound SMS messages and phone calls.
Keep your teen or pre-teen child safe at all times.
• SMS Tracking – Intercept text messages. Receive notifications of all inbound and outbound text messages. Details include time and date, phone number, and message body.
• Call Logging – Monitor all inbound, outbound and missed calls.
This app could be used:
• To get a copy of all SMS, Calls and Location history in case of loss/theft of the phone.
• To monitor the SMS and phone Calls history from your children.
• To monitor the SMS and phone Calls from other people you might know.
Keep your teen or pre-teen child safe at all times.

• Call Logging – Monitor all inbound, outbound and missed calls.
This app could be used:
• To get a copy of all SMS, Calls and Location history in case of loss/theft of the phone.
• To monitor the SMS and phone Calls history from your children.
• To monitor the SMS and phone Calls from other people you might know.
www: (server)
www: (client)
Eagle Bird , Java (Mar 2014)

The player who is in control of a flying eagle disk must dodge all the columns by going through the empty gaps in order to gain the best score.
Solitaire Pro games, Java (Apr 2014)
♥ Solitaire (klondikie)♣ Spider
♠ Freecell
During the game play, cards can auto-move to appropriate positions if they are available. Suggested screen orientation is landscape. This way game has more attractive look as cards are bigger and easier to handle.
Space Invaders HD, Basic4Android (May 2014)

The aliens attempt to destroy the cannon by firing at it while they approach the bottom of the screen. If they reach the bottom, the alien invasion is successful and the game ends. A special "mystery ship" will occasionally move across the top of the screen and award bonus points if destroyed. The laser cannon is partially protected by several stationary defense bunkers—the number varies by version—that are gradually destroyed by projectiles from the aliens and player
bhSM, Basic4Android (Aug - Sep 2012)
The application enables the rapid creation and sending text messages to the BH Telecom users as well as users of other networks with which it is possible.
bhSMS can be particularly useful when traveling abroad and
you do not want to spend telephone impulses when roaming.
bhSMS - Use your 3 free daily text messages for BH Telecom network!
bhSMS can be particularly useful when traveling abroad and
you do not want to spend telephone impulses when roaming.
bhSMS - Use your 3 free daily text messages for BH Telecom network!
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